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Everything posted by WeinkeToWarrick

  1. The lightning network capacity just surpassed 3800 bitcoin and is growing. Its got a long way to go but it will likely pace with adoption
  2. Monkey, this isn’t true. You need to look into the Lightning Network.
  3. Bitcoin is anti-fragile. Not true for every other crypto. The cost to destroy or subvert the bitcoin network at this point would be way more than the cost to just buy a shitload and exert dominance that way. If the US was advanced and full of non-geriatric legislators, they would buy up a massive supply with printed fiat dollars then incentivize other countries to buy in as well
  4. Striper, go to ledger.com and learn about private hardware wallets. They even have a Ledger Academy where you can just learn. I also suggest you look into all the freezing and seizures that took place in Canada with the truckers and ask yourself if it’s really that far fetched for something like that to happen here.
  5. It’s literally impossible to account for each transaction. That’s an unenforceable tax law
  6. I’m not upset at all Mike you’re just annoying and stupid Bitcoin will continue growing in utility, other shitcoins will do casino things
  7. I don’t plan on converting BTC to USD. The libertarian ideal has not gone away if you have your own wallet. Like I said originally, I don’t think you really get it. Why even keep any on an exchange at this point?
  8. And bitcoin is the people’s opportunity to oppose that exertion and domination
  9. I think you enjoy the casino of the price action and not the fundamental freedom that bitcoin does and can provide. Ward of the state.
  10. Strike is going to make this a reality sooner than you think
  11. And Jimmy, I understand your argument. I really do. But do you think it’s the government’s place to tax a transaction between me and you? For a corporation to receive a cut of the amount? Not whether you think “that’s the way it works so swallow the pill”, but fundamentally, should me and you be allowed to transact without oversight, regulation, or friction-inducing costs? If you think we should be able to, you are on the road to understanding Bitcoin. And that idea can’t be put back in the bottle.
  12. They won’t willingly relinquish it but they won’t be able to control the spread and will ultimately succumb to embracing it when fiat fails
  13. Prohibition sure kept everyone from drinking. Now imagine the alcohol could be stored on something the size of a USB drive Good luck
  14. They can make it illegal and it will never work, just make things more annoying. More likely nations will legalize it as legal tender than ban it though. Game theory is in motion.
  15. Yep. Martingale works great until it doesn’t.
  16. You never owned it. You were issued an IOU that they approved as redeemable.
  17. The fundamental value and point of bitcoin is to take ownership of your own worth. To remove the need for a central third party. If you still fundamentally trust a third party more than yourself, your decision to send dollars to an exchange for a picture of an account balance and an unenforceable IOU is just speculative risk-on asset investing. That’s why Wall Street has sold off this past month+ too some day people will recognize that it is hard money though; and the only way to secure your own share of that hard money is by holding your private keys.
  18. No, therein lies the beauty of peer to peer network
  19. Bitcoin’s value prop is world’s apart from any others. It’s value is the value of freedom. Freedom of transaction is the precursor to all other freedoms and that is what bitcoin provides. How that gets priced in dollars fluctuates wildly due to major market manipulation by big players.
  20. Congrats? Super relevant comment
  21. It’s ok to sit a few threads out
  22. Mike, you really don’t need to open your mouth about every subject you know nothing about
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