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Everything posted by KingKolzig

  1. Anything I ever post can be used against me
  2. They might be telling me to quit all this as I'm invalid
  3. I have madden now please ill get my knee better with the best research I swear
  4. Ill never drink again and everyone knows I know how
  5. I just want to fall asleep at 12
  6. Please just let me be tonight please
  7. Can I just have a single day here please
  8. I've lost all desire to loosen my knee today And I'm not tough I just currently have no way to leave
  9. This sucks. My body hurts enough. I just don't care anymore
  10. Dewed bad lately. Can't take much more its over really I see dew ECT in every scenario its what is planned my reason for being here
  11. But I actually dislike jimmy so I'm done here for good
  12. Eh whatever. Helping my mom get north and helping her with this prick. Doctors won't even tell poor bums simple answers. How would they help my arm if they are so concerned with bad patients. Don't really care now anyways will score something on methadone mile in Boston
  13. Need it my doctor gave me no pills today after I passed state database for abuse. Others doctors all said he would. Pain management clinic said they want a 5000 retainer lol. Keep listening to these ppl they will convince you that you are to blame. Until the story gets old. Dumb.
  14. Imagine being that low. Knowing full well it would be found out
  15. Satan scammed other angels that's what got him booted. Not even kidding was over treasure
  16. I tell posters and he tried to immediately have me banned
  17. Reid a dealer once as well. Dad eagles coach so he needed the money
  18. Brock happy go lucky appearance over at bobbys. More realistic here
  19. Smile is genuine cause he knows it doesn't matter Google Brit Reid
  20. Brit Reid crushed a little girl now paralyzed. Big dirt bag DUI lover
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