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Everything posted by bookbraker

  1. I came across a guy who is in a similar line of work as you. The people in the comments call him a hack and try to tell him the correct way but he is Mexican also. Check it out pal.
  2. Did this pay more than when you were money Mayweather's errand boi?
  3. If the day laboring thing doesn't pan out for Kinger, you could always give massages. Probably pay more than the income you had from door dash.
  4. I would take that over a hairy Hawaiian...always.
  5. Haven't been gambling too much tbh. Over time have lost some interest and have been doing other things. Fishing more, youth sports, taxi kids, work...
  6. Bought a sleep number years back with the dual zones and a with latex support. Really doesn't wear because it's mostly air. No springs or memory foam. Like it firm Kinger. Is Caniglio or whatever the fuk his name is allowed on it?
  7. Congrats Kinger! Does your partner like it?
  8. Carnival cruise Under 10 dollars a share. It will double in 12-18 months.
  9. First bet in a long time for me. Tampa +125 GL
  10. I saw this many of times last season in "womens" basketball on the high school level. Most teams had 1 or 2 dudes. It's disgusting that the entire state of PA allows men to compete against my 14 year old daughter.
  11. Oh and Mrs. BB can also be spotted with King Wolf. JFC
  12. Let's name some streets around here after Wolf. Once I get off the Biden expressway it would be great to make a left on Wolf Street.
  13. Wtf? Such a shithole of a school district and state. Fukin guy comes here to puff his chest out at a school district which is 24 million dollars underfunded? Gtfoh
  14. Agree...she lives 3 blocks from me. My taxes are 2200 hers are 7k.
  15. Figured the mask clue was enough. She worked for the Obama campaign. 6.9 for me as a Democrat as is 8.4 as a republican with a fresh nose job
  16. Hard to get picks of her without a mask on. Thank you.
  17. Let's get it back to Spruce Street. What's the address again Mr. UPS man? It was 301 Spuce street now it's 301 Biden street...JFC!
  18. Sleepy I was good with the scranton expressway, spruce St. And WASHINGTON Ave!!! No public vote. Just pay for new signage and penndot to put them up out of tax payer dollars. My wife's old home is no longer Washington Ave. Biden Street. Wtf!!
  19. They rename your highways and streets to this.....
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