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Everything posted by rdalert447

  1. One can only hope. Irish are the original slaves….
  2. Mike and Sleepy, forgot to wish you a happy St Uhro’s day yesterday! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Urho
  3. Slow and low men. Don’t forget to pour at least one beer in….
  4. FH, did you know that Iowa State University breeds thoroughbreds?
  5. Put on some FSU hoops. Will put him to sleep in minutes.
  6. Post some pictures of your CANNED corn beef tomorrow for St Patrick’s Day, will ya?
  7. Life expectancy has gone up roughly 13 years since then. 😁
  8. I got the 240 down with diet and Metamucil/flaxseed. But then I kind of plateaued, so went on the statin.
  9. 240-ish. Now I’m usually down in the mid 170’s-180’s
  10. I’ve been on Atorvistatin for about two years. Minor aches, nothing significant. Got my cholesterol right in order. That and the magic Metamucil/flaxseed drink in the morning. Some say the whole cholesterol thing is a scam. Who knows?
  11. I don’t think FH has a signed men’s tennis poster from Iowa….
  12. I’ve been seeing a lot of the pictures on Twitter. Looks amazing. Good people, a lot of outdoor events, great basketball. Might have to put on my schedule in the near future.
  13. I’m good at triggering Big Runner into professing rape fantasies involving my wife and kid.
  14. Played UCF +200. They lost twice to BYU in conference play, but only by a combined 7 points. UCF is playing much better now compared to the time of those two games.
  15. Does she have a good personality?
  16. I’m gonna go steal a flat screen. If I get caught I’ll just give it back.
  17. Still see masks today. Americans are too easy to brainwash, sadly.
  18. Can’t imagine any straight males watching that nonsense.
  19. That’s certainly a viable alternative.
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