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Brock Landers

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  1. You're fucked in the head. For a guy I KNOW is very bright, you're really fucking dumb on this whole thing
  2. Keep quoting that stupid motherfucker Clay and Buck is as bad or worse than that cocksucker who came before them. It's astonishing how anyone can listen to 5 minutes of their sticking shit broadcast
  3. The whole operation is and was a shit show https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4661152-cohen-says-melania-trump-cast-access-hollywood-tape-as-locker-room-talk/
  4. You tell me, and more importantly tell me why any of this is Biden's fault and/or how a president fixes it.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/michael-cohen-testifies-about-negotiating-payments-and-bullying-reporters-for-donald-trump/ar-BB1miMVy “I thought you had this under control,” Cohen said Trump told him, later instructing, “Just take care of it.” Trump told Cohen to drag out any negotiations as long as possible. “Just get past the election,” Cohen said Trump told him. “I win, it has no relevance because I’m president, and if I lose, I don’t really care.” Really solid guy who people think should be president LOL!
  6. When my parents bought a home in 1979 in Calumet City IL, pretty sure the mortgage interest was 18% Tough times don't last, tough people do
  7. That's a lot of localized horseshit pal There's no such issues in central Illinois. Can't speak for other areas of the country intelligently.
  8. He just graduated from the u of I YESTERDAY pal LOL He's not in the home buying Market quite yet
  9. LOL you're about the dumbest motherfucker here guy
  10. Oh and remember, inflation is LIMITED to the USA LOL Ask those in Argentina where it's so ridiculous now their money is practically worthless
  11. Mortgage doesn't change unless you bought or refinanced at the wrong time. Who's fault is that? LOL Everyone wants to blame the president for everything, when the Fed had to increase interest rates to combat inflation, take econ 101 and 102 the. Maybe have an intelligent response.
  12. It's doing exceptionally well, it's judges by the markets pal
  13. Polls lol I love how you assholes cherry pick them when they support the pathological liar who lives in his own world, much like you morons LOL
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