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Everything posted by EugeneMorgan

  1. hope u r doing well and best of luck to you in the upcoming football season. good to see you.
  2. you would think it would be a no brainer. had that some oily aftertaste that you get at some places with fried food. i had very low expectations going in, and they still lowered the bar. had a couple different sauces/flavors way worse than what i would get at a few good local bars. about laughed when my food was presented it looked so bad.
  3. Someone gave me a gift card and was in area. Wow, just awful. Haven't eaten there in years remember why. Served better food in prison. Service was fine. Quality of food downright shambolic. Talk about mailing it. Used up my gift card balance. Will not return.
  4. Did everybody get their chicken wings and ice cold cola. #blacklanders day isn't every day. It is every month, so take a bite out of that government cheese. Fire up the grill in your poverty parking lot kids. Happy #blacklanders day!
  5. I asked the wife who went to school with the girl from blossom and jeopardy and she said it's the palm oil. She also said a bunch of other stuff I didn't understand about emollients something something blah blah blah and the conversation ended abruptly.
  6. Easier to get the shit stains out when it diaper leaks amirite?
  7. Thanks for the confirmation. Same pattern over and over. The only thing not black about you is your tiny shrimp dick. I will pass but I hear sleepy is available. #notblackdownthere Eagerly awaiting your midnight snack you Clayton bigsby oompa loompa bitch.
  8. Thanks for the confirmation. Same pattern over and over. The only thing not black about you is your tiny shrimp dick. I will pass but I hear sleepy is available. #notblackdownthere Eagerly awaiting your midnight snack you Clayton bigsby oompa loompa bitch.
  9. Thanks for the confirmation. Same pattern over and over. The only thing not black about you is your tiny shrimp dick. I will pass but I hear sleepy is available. #notblackdownthere Eagerly awaiting your midnight snack you Clayton bigsby oompa loompa bitch.
  10. How much is the limit on the credit card you are going to use to pay for the meal that you intend to stiff on the balance you adult aborted fetus?
  11. Are you going to stop for wings or a wiener circle dog on the ride home you human garbage can?
  12. Been awhile but yeah either 50 or 100 dollars.
  13. I'm guessing you will get some shit and cover it in cheese. Surprised they let a black man like you eat in the main dining room.
  14. I had a small milk jug of pennies and decided to take them to the western one day to play the penny slots. Hand feeding them, getting dirty. Gave up after about fifteen minutes bored out of my mind. Gave the rest to a lady next to me. She was so stunned I thought she was gonna cry. Playing pennies three or five at a time was a painful experience.
  15. I believe in math and statistics. Am open to any proof that the planet is warming up.
  16. Yes. The owner is notorious for cutting corners and built it cheaply. Probably won't be the last problem. They be fair lots of casinos had issues last night.
  17. The whole cannibal thing is weird. I'm guessing with them trying to change our diets they will try to tie diet to early deaths. They never push a healthy diet since it is less profitable than the typical ones obese fucks follow.
  18. The news was on and they talked about weather for ten minutes and how this summer's heat wave was because of climate change They throw that in whenever they can. No evidence whatsoever. No comparison to last year, last ten or fifty or one hundred years. Comical the way they are pushing this propaganda. Anyone with a brain can see it miles away.
  19. Ever run into on oompa loompa with a head the size of a 🍉? #blacklanders
  20. Christ I've seen nicer drawers and countertops in homeless shelter. Of course most 50 year olds don't live in student housing either. #blacklanders
  21. Have Griffey platinum set, Griffey Bellingham first card, minor league price guide Griffey, and about ,3500 upper deck rookies. Used to have some Griffey Jr candy bars too but got hungry one day.
  22. Just let the drunken dementia riddled pants shitter post drunk.
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