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  1. I make it a rule to never share advice with people like you. I'm out. Good luck.
  2. Noticing a nonstop drumbeat of "news" stories and twitter features on afghan women. Today twitter had a big ragebait headline about the Taliban separating men's and women's school classrooms. As if that should outrage anyone. Not only is it totally normal, its what both men and women there want for themselves. These strategies are actually proven psyops from the CIA. There was a report about it, where they outline the way to maintain US support for war is by hyping up the "women's rights" and the exporting of our own dysfunctional, late-stage feminist culture. Of course, no one in afghanistan wants anything to do with that. But they are correct - it is wildly effective at manipulating American perceptions. This is how they manipulate the public, and manufacture consent for their wars.
  3. That being said ADAX does look very risky. Could be a scam at the end of the day, fingers crossed they have a working product.
  4. Markets are gonna be frothy on these tiny cap DeFi projects. All price movement right now is noise.
  5. There goes runny, simping again. Runny, I think your kind is supposed to spell it "womxn" now. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your local hatespeech enforcement officer.
  6. Minswap just launched on testnet and is glitchy. They are working on concurrency problems that limit transactions per block. Cardano taking major hear on twitter, from the usual suspects (eth maxis). I think problems like this will be solved by devs, but it does mean that certain DeFi features like flash loans are simply impossible on cardano. I am still long cardano DeFi but will be looking toward the exit once mainnet launches. I am far more bullish on SOL now.
  7. What a beautiful day it is. The sun is shining, and there is no poison coursing through our veins. Peace to all of you.
  8. The comments from angry, miserable libs make me so happy.
  9. I'm beginning to think monkey might be working for the feds.
  10. You guys realize that not all abortion is created equal, right? And that currently, it is perfectly legal to get second and third trimester abortion on demand in the USA? People will look back at this era, rightly, as a holocaust of infanticide. It will be looked at as one of the greatest evils in history. Right up there with slavery, and likely worse. I can understand being ok with first trimester. But there are thousands and thousands of cases a year of late term abortions. How on earth do you justify support of that?
  11. Fine with me they've been taking away men's reproductive rights for decades. Fairs fair.
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